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島 (Island)你 (You)碗 (A Bowl)憶碗情 (A Cup of Love)Drug傀 (Puppet)惡作劇 (Mischief)握手祝福行動 (Love Action: Blessing)吸吸新鮮空氣.不要PM2.5行動 (Love Action:  Fresh Air We Needed)消失 (Disappear)愛不是那麼簡單 (Love is not That Simple)Love Unfound Broken分裂 (Split Twitter)Womanity手機 (The Phone)Who Am I那不是我的 (It is not Mine)So closeCinemasports University Games Kun Shan Invites the World一元 (One Dollar)Murphy of Moviemaking糾纏不清的碗 (A Haunting Bowl)

Cinemasports University Games

8 April 2013 to 20 April 2013

Cinemasports invites students of Universities, Art Schools, Film Schools to join this international event. While the focus is on student teams, any team can also join the fun. (They may not be eligible for awards in the student division.) Teams have 10 hours to make a short movie with 3 required elements.

We hope to have student teams from Kun Shan University in Tainan, Tawain, South Africa, UK, USA, and more!


  • Finished Movies should be no more than 1-3 minutes long, and movies closer to 1 minute are usually better!
  • 8 April 2013 - Three required elements will be announced by email. Sign up to receive the email
  • Midnight, 20 April 2013 - Movies Due. Finished movies must be less than 3 minutes and include the required elements (example only: visitor, dirty water, super power).
  • Each team will spend a maximum of 10 hours total on their movie once the ingredients are announced (planning, shooting, editing).
  • Teams may work on their movie in one long day or spread out over many days. (This is a break from the common Cinemasports format).
  • Team composition, locations, equipment are up to each team to decide.
  • Teams participate in the spirit of fun, fairness, and cinemasportspersonship!
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Break something out of anger