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島 (Island)你 (You)碗 (A Bowl)憶碗情 (A Cup of Love)分裂 (Split Twitter)手機 (The Phone)那不是我的 (It is not Mine)Cinemasports University Games Kun Shan Invites the World一元 (One Dollar)糾纏不清的碗 (A Haunting Bowl)Drug傀 (Puppet)惡作劇 (Mischief)握手祝福行動 (Love Action: Blessing)吸吸新鮮空氣.不要PM2.5行動 (Love Action:  Fresh Air We Needed)消失 (Disappear)愛不是那麼簡單 (Love is not That Simple)

Students of Kun Shan University will host the Taiwanese branch of the Cinemasports University Games!

Kickoff Time: 
Monday, April 8, 2013 - 16:00
Kickoff Location: 

Kickoff by email. Sign up to get ingredients!

Tainan City