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Cinemasports Myths and Legends Summer 2014

1 七月 201431 八月 2014

In summer 2014, youth teams from around the world create and exchange movies about a local myths, legends, or folk tales.
This event encourages kids to connect with their local traditions and share them with other youth around the world. Finished movies may screen at screening and events around the world.

The requirements are simple:

  • Movies under 3 minutes long.
  • Movies made between 1 July 2014 - 31 August 2014
  • Teams spend less than 10 hours making the movie.
  • Movies should be based on a local myth, legend, or folk tale. No interpretation is wrong, so have fun!
  • No live dialogue.

Sign up with the button above to get full details. Any youth team is welcome to join. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Submitted movies may screen at Youth Film Festivals or organizations worldwide. Below is a current schedule of screenings. In order to be considered , your movie must be submitted 3 days before the screening date.

Each organization or festival has editorial control and selects movies for their screening with their own criteria. While we can't guarantee that every movie will be screened, all submissions and team profiles will be featured right here on our website. Sign up for more information about submission guidelines.

Movie based on a myth or legend