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The Executive travels the space time continuum to take on Ninjataur in a battle.

      Dolly's Got Nothing on This

      A man tries to create to perfect clone of himself without his faults.


          Before a date, a man tries to deal with his deficiencies with neurogenetic therapy.


              A man is given the gift of color in a black and white world.

                  National World Four Square Championship

                  Documentary of four players in the World Four Square Championship


                      A boy turns a tick into a friend.

                          Le Revenge Duvalier

                          Senators receive a mind control substance.

                              Survivor Mill Valley Island

                              Competitors on Survivor Mill Valley Island find something unexpected.

                                  The Whiffler

                                  A professional whiffle ball player must make a comeback to save her father's restaurant.

                                      Windblown Leif

                                      A fulltime bungee jumper reveals his inner self.
