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True Religion

Music video to Eric Darling's "True Religion"

      Fluffy Goes to Park

      A tale of mistaken identity, eating yellow things, and howels from a distance starring fluffy the dog.

          The Return of Black Stallion

          What happens when you share a park bench with your ex-girlfriends new lover?

              Mission: Rosario

              A young man closes the gap on fame during a prade through New York's East Village.


                  A secret agent encounters hurdles trying to make his contact along the river in New York.


                      A collaboration of 13 artists come together for food, fun and a little bit of con-flict.


                          A group of poets and filmmakers explore their thoughts in Spanish and English.

                              Dogta Pepper

                              A dog eats a red pepper that he thought was yellow so he became sick.
