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The Muralist3 STEPS   Curt Jordi el Mussol 2015   1080pMoscone PiratesRenaissance International School Saigon제10회부산국제어린이청소년영화제 Cinema Sports - 20150731Dancer Obsessed제10회부산국제어린이청소년영화제 Cinema Sports - 20150801'One' by Erik Saltzman제10회부산국제어린이청소년영화제 Cinema Sports - 20150802제10회부산국제어린이청소년영화제 Cinema Sports - 20150803Found Treasuresaving the sharkgentleman killer愛,捉弄

Cinemasports Youth Summer 2015

1 June 2015 to 20 August 2015

Youth teams from around the world create and exchange movies through Cinemasports in summer 2015. Youth workshops, camps, and film festivals make movies together with the same simple requirements. Finished movies may show at screenings and kids' film festivals around the world this summer. A Spanish movie made for Cinemasport last summer will screen at the Cannes Film Festival in France.

The requirements are simple:

  • Movies should include 2 secret ingredients announced at the start of the event. (example: reflection, map, whisper)
  • Movies under 3 minutes long.
  • Movies made between 1 June 2015 - 10 August 2015
  • Teams complete their movie within a week.*
  • Little or No live dialogue. (Voiceovers are ok)

Any youth teams under 18 can join. Adults may help with production and post production. Sign up with the button above to get full details. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Last year's participants included the following organizations, and most are likely to join again!

Each organization or festival has editorial control and selects movies for their screening with their own criteria. While we can't guarantee that every movie will be screened, all submissions and team profiles will be featured right here on our website. Sign up for more information about submission guidelines.

* One week deadline is a change from other Cinemasports events. Because many summer youth programs last 1 week or less, we thought this was a reasonable time limit to maximize fun and creativity. You can spend less time if you wish!

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