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Forest Spirit 森靈

Tainan City

This story is an adaptation of a Saisiyat legend" Ritual to The Short People"
It is about people destroy the forest, which causing a disaster to their environment. they were panic and didn't know what to do. So they went to the temple and ask the God for solution. The God gave them a map to find the 2 Short People who are trapped in the forest. "They will able to help to restore the nature" he said. So they went into the forest and rescue the Short People. The Short People help them to grow the trees again. they live happily ever after.

(Ritual to The Short People)
according to legend, 600 years ago the short people teach Saisiyat Tribe people to grow vegetable and crops. Short People were less than 3 feet tall and they lived in the forest. Then there was a conflict happened between them. One day, Saisiyat people set a trap that killed all the Short people, only two of them escape into mountain. after that incident Saisiyat have a crop failure, people were starving to death. Afterwards Saisiyat tribe hold a ceremony to comfort the decease of Short People every year , it is called "Ritual to The Short People", it is still a tradition now.