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Cinemasports for Schools January 2016

1 一月 20164 二月 2016

Join us for the new year 2016 as young people from around the world share a creative movie-making experience. Cinemasports for Schools! During January 2016, students in classrooms and workshops worldwide share an a challenge: Make a short movie with the same simple ingredients. Movies will be screened worldwide!

We already have participants from England, Laos, and USA, and we will have more countries join us for the new year!
School teachers will lead students in the Bedford, England area.
Students from Lone Buffalo Foundation will join from Phonsavan, Laos.
San Francisco based Community Youth Center will participate along with a teacher filmmaking training workshop.
In London, Lyric Hammersmith Theatre.

  • Movies should include 2-3 secret ingredients announced at the start of the event. (example: reflection, map, whisper)
  • Movies under 3 minutes long.
  • Movies made between 1 January 2016 - 1 February 2016
  • We encourage very little or No live dialogue. (Voiceovers are ok) From experience, such movies tend to be better produced and more culturally universal.
  • Any youth teams can join up to Univerisity Age. Adults may help with production and post production.

Sign up with the button above to get full details. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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