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Our CityReel or RewindPursuitHappy AgainYou Got IssuesLovey DoveyDry RainMiracle Umbrela JumpThe Flying MiracleGhost TrainRainy DayUmbrellaMiracle, Jump and UmbrellaJust Try ItJesusceptionCrossing ReflectionsA WitchLovey DoveyRise of the UmbrellasThirty MinutesHands Across DurhamThe Miracle of FriendshipHappy UmbrellaEvil UmbrellaRainfallAttack of the TinyRebirthInto the WoodsGabriel and Sam Gag ReelTripDreamscapeMarkus and Tim Finshed ProductRainy DayDaydreamerKiera & Amy finshedAny Spare ChangeThe Umbrella!Rella UmbrellaAnimated WallGood fences make good neighborsRed ButtonIllusion

Youth Autumn 2012

1 十一月 2012 to 16 十一月 2012

This event was spearheaded by Durham Gilesgate Sixth Form and College in the north of England. Teams joined from around the world to make for a special event. Students from Durham Gilesgate took part in a day long workshop organized by Kids for Kids UK and Cinemasports. For many students, this was their first movie. Congratulations to all!
