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The VaseBalloonsBalloonimators and the Crystal BallFire and IceSkopelos Love StoryThe Devil's Red PenSubstitute TeacherFear of the Underground Parking lotThe Curse of Bubbles Person with Supernatural PowersThe GhostMagic BallAn Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a ToothMagic PenThe Legend of PotteryMagic MarkMemories of TeardropsThe Scarlet LetterPearl Milk TeaHealing BubblesGlow BallFriendship in MindStart of Revenge

Youth Summer 2013

8 七月 2013 to 12 八月 2013

Join young people from around the world as they create movies with the same assignment. Create a short movie with required ingredients. Share the movies, inspire each other, and build communities around the world. Would you like to join us?

  • Movies must be less than 2 minutes long.
  • No dialog.
  • Teams must not spend more than 10 hours creating their movie.
  • Movies must include "secret ingredients"

Youth teams under 13 years old must include 2 secret ingredients in their movies. Teams of youth older than 13 years old will get a third ingredients inspired by Inspired by International Youth Media Summit social justice values (

Red Magic Marker
Ball or Bubble