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Balloonimators and the Crystal BallFire and IceSkopelos Love StoryThe VaseBalloonsThe Curse of Bubbles Person with Supernatural PowersThe GhostMagic BallAn Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a ToothMagic PenThe Legend of PotteryMagic MarkMemories of TeardropsThe Scarlet LetterPearl Milk TeaHealing BubblesGlow BallFriendship in MindStart of RevengeThe Devil's Red PenSubstitute TeacherFear of the Underground Parking lot

Youth Summer 2013

8 七月 2013 to 12 八月 2013

Join young people from around the world as they create movies with the same assignment. Create a short movie with required ingredients. Share the movies, inspire each other, and build communities around the world. Would you like to join us?

  • Movies must be less than 2 minutes long.
  • No dialog.
  • Teams must not spend more than 10 hours creating their movie.
  • Movies must include "secret ingredients"

Youth teams under 13 years old must include 2 secret ingredients in their movies. Teams of youth older than 13 years old will get a third ingredients inspired by Inspired by International Youth Media Summit social justice values (

Red Magic Marker
Ball or Bubble