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Huiching Tseng is a professional artist and educator. She is currently a full time associate professor in Kun Shan University, Taiwan. Her digital works, painting and photography has been showed in many international exhibitions in Macau, New York, Hong Kong, and many other national exhibition halls through out Taiwan.

Member of Member since
2016 Cinemasports Universities Jury and Organizers 8 年 5 個月 之前
2021 Cinemasports Jury 2 年 9 個月 之前
2023 Jury Member 9 個月 2 週 之前
Cinemasports Universities 2015 Jury Team 9 年 5 個月 之前
Codename-Zombies 10 年 11 個月 之前
Eureka! Art Studio 10 年 2 個月 之前
Good team 4 年 10 個月 之前
Happy team 4 年 10 個月 之前
Jury 7th Cinemasports International 2020 3 年 10 個月 之前
Jury Cinemasports 2022 1 年 10 個月 之前
