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One less time救救北極熊 SAVE THE POLAR BEARDream父與子國際大學拍片運動 松坂米澤肉--強致分手1995鼻子大大你的鹹豬手燒肉蓋飯凯里学院《等一个花季相随》國際大學拍片運動 Cinemasports Universities  媒特設 - 總裁捕獲計劃W6ZKEF--hBU2016國際大學拍片運動《處女作 Debut》10小時 I like youCtrl C+V【心魔】 \轟吧拉Brilliant映像 製作國際大學拍片運動_ 慢走〔sūn-kiânn〕_bling bling國際大學拍片運動Cinemasports Universities 【你今天枇杷了嗎?】Be My Friendfriends I'm U厦门理工学院《Break it down》Anonymous courage原來是魔鏡國際大學拍片運動 Cinemasports Universities_小鬍子_COPY160327國際大學拍片運動-《你好,再見 See You》國際大學拍片運動 Cinemasports Universities_Explorers國際大學拍片運動-韋恩的氧氣罩國際拍片運動呼叫冥王星Echo each other乐秀视频第1部 20160327140421551 1 1信阳师范学院《脸》魯蛇的日常A day of homebody.救友行動第四屆國際拍片運動 《撿起來 Pick Up!》 - 我要使用7-11付款就不告訴你international-拍片就是狂Nightmare開口說愛你2016國際大學拍片運動 Cinemasports Universities_eat fresh_她她 / SHE SHE _天津师范大学《color》我們只有五個人Trance Doggie - 醒 Realize同類_在微笑月亮的夜晚召喚崑科大跩乃中國傳媒大學南廣學院《再见》宅女日記The Twins國際大學拍片運動 - 回頭贛南師範大學《双生花》跟蹤Follow走味的感情文藝青鯰 Forever大港音樂祭贵州大学《春,牵》湖南大众传播学院《敲醒自己》Go Go DatingBlind Love國際大學拍片運動2016 - 我的魔鏡女友My girls in the mirror. (官方版)陰影cinemasports timing小组作品:mirrorJenny & Jay小潔癖宅男春天Sudden 傻蛋2016國際大學拍片運動_I轉變四川音乐学院《而我知道》國際大學拍片運動–花心的下場國際大學拍片運動 Cinemasports Universities - 丟丟樂國際大學拍片運動 Cinemasports - Choco Love國際大學拍片運動-夢遊 The Journey To The Dream藻餐爸爸の棒One or two?危險地帶C4炸彈 你是誰國際大學拍片運動 失鏡LOST原來是魔鏡Fall in love云南师范大学《太陽下》Reflex今日完售 Lonely Single我好喜歡你Magic MirrorkillerGreed致命對決 Death Fight悠閒時光 Leisure Time國際大學拍片運動原來是真的贵州大学《梦镜》國際大學拍片運動 2-C (懶人包製作)湖南大學《镜子 》真心之鏡奔跑吧!小腦袋。國際大學拍片運動 Cinemasports Universities-8-Biter後悔WAKE UP THE WONDER鬼抓人Dreaming Alone國際大學拍片運動-摔衰愛无畏及战舰2016國際大學拍片運動    三人同行一人免費-殤。贵州民族大学《我,矮子?》跟蹤stalker校園鬼怪傳奇-國際大學拍片運動看你看我覓食趣戲中戲2-C憶難網 Memory Web 珍惜國際大學拍片運動Cinemasports Universities - Missing國際大學拍片運動 Cinemasports Universities  瘋格調 - 保濕。乳MEGA-拍片 國際大學拍片運動 2016 「意料之外Unexpected」Fortune春嬌和志明贵州民族大学《两个男人》Stuck - Cinemasports Universities 20162016國際大學拍片運動Cinemasports Universities_外星語教學班_第一人稱複數first persons南阳师范学院《重生》自拍棒不棒白日夢2016 Cinemasports 片名:Wound創傷, by賣菜中裡涼today is not my day,but ......The Charming Girl驚奇少年Encounter/Cinemasports沒有鬼sport黃淮學院《The mirror of heart》佐矜-Zuo JinTOGETHER FOREVER - short film2016國際大學拍片運動(JoGoLife) -  line of reason夢想的傳承  國際大學拍片運動 Cinemasports Universities  2016

Cinemasports for Universities 2016

1 March 2016 to 31 March 2016

Cinemasports Universities challenges student teams around the world to make a short movie using the same required "ingredients".
Final movies must be less than 3 minutes and include required 3 ingredients announced at the start of the shooting day. Submitted movies will be considered for a gala screening at Kun Shan University in Tainan, Taiwan.


  • Each team will spend a maximum of 10 hours total on their movie.
  • Finished movies must be less than 3 minutes long. Often, shorter movies are more successful and likely to screen internationally.
  • Each movie must include 3 required ingredients announced at the start of the shooting day.
  • Outside of these simple rules, Cinemasports is very flexible. The team size, equipment, and location are all up to each individual team to decide.

Interested in joining with your University? Contact us!

Most Universities will participate on the same weekend: 26 or 27 March 2016. Other Universities may participate earlier due to schedule constraints.
A gala screening will take place on 30 March 2016 on the Kun Shan University campus in Tainan, Taiwan. Other Universities my host their own screenings. All submissions will be considered but only a selection may screen due to time constraints.

For teams who can not attend the kickoff meeting in Taiwan, you can watch the kickoff meeting live on the internet:

Watch a live "Greeting from teams around the world" during the Taiwan screening

Taiwan 126 teams