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Granny, hugs and love - Cinemasports movie拍片運動  防疫小短劇【緝】會飛的擁抱 ! ! 從世界各個角落都要飛來擁抱鑰命追逐 - 國際拍片運動 Cinemasports InternationalGeniuses賣女孩的小火柴-鑰匙在哪裡?Where is the key ?An Easy Idea. (Cinemasports 2021)My grandma's scarf狗狗搖尾吧殺人魔 Killer_ドキドキ大滷麵A key to knowledge擁抱未遂 CINEMASPORTS INTERNATIONAL 2021抓鑰匙魚2021 11 20 09 54 52要死掉了 Going to die _一群八婆視堅情—三代同湯貓咪醫生 Cat doctor_輔建科钥匙KeyHug To Open (cinema sports 2021)On the road失心封擁抱 中年失業收容所懼 SCARD消小的小號 The disappeared trumpet _管弦牛逼陣Where are you?社逃被遺忘的角落冤家路窄-咖逼根上你 Follow you高斯模糊失眠第10小時嚇椅跳 (Scary chair)_嚇椅跳團隊不可以攝攝組之幾個尷尬的瞬間시나몬赎 Redeem分享 share_大成聯誼會「誤」    2021《我終於畢業了!》團隊暴衝小綿羊煞氣ㄟA.K.A爆肝小組-封閉The light天光 - C&S GROUPGloominessTRUST IS THE KEY和解reconciliation_攝計師光Yellow Objects -  Unlock鑰匙HECHO EN VENICE2021國際拍片運動 疼痛The next day - ALPS 阿爾卑斯Best Friend熱礙戲箱子多媒體 不正常人類研究中心葵花籽劇組 行進中請抱緊 Moving hold tight勉強-StudyThe 8th Cinemasports International 2021  今年也想畢業༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽未接來電如夢初醒她she(不會上映sir攝的事【幻Vision】貓咪貓頭[鑰匙掉了]拍片運動 成片What is The Key? (2021 cinema sports)騎遇鎖《甜蜜的房間》 Sweet room-花寶包拾荒 SCAVENGINGCheat1+1+1一起走下去吧!陰暗房間的恐怖椅子求救信號  Signal94要攝攝2021年國際拍片運動—出戀(Hunter)我回來了國際拍片運動|DREAMING夢WHAT GOES UP MUST STAY UP - team ČLANI, Cinemasports 2021Dance movesEMO_day片名:Steal    ft.再給我兩分鐘

The 8th Cinemasports International 2021

20 November 2021 to 27 November 2021

Shooting day
20 NOVEMBER 2021

Once again, we will announce 3 required ingredients before filmmakers have 10 hours to make a film less than 3 minutes long. This Cinemasports event is open to all ages and nationalities. This is a change from our past Cinemasports Universities events, but the event is based on the same creative spirit. This event is open to everyone, young and and old! Sign up using the button above to receive more information and instructions.


  • Each team will spend a maximum of 10 hours total on their film.
  • Finished films must be less than 3 minutes long. Often, shorter films are more successful and likely to screen internationally.
  • Each film must include 3 required ingredients announced at the start of the shooting day.
  • Outside of these simple rules, Cinemasports is very flexible. The team size, equipment, and location are all up to each individual team to decide.
  • Please include this image in your credits (5 seconds) :

Most teams will participate on the same weekend: 20 November 2021. Other teams may participate earlier due to timezone and schedule differences.
A gala screening will take place on 27 November 2021 in Central Tainan City, Taiwan. All submissions will be considered but only a selection may screen due to time constraints.

Japanese Patriotic Women's Association
27 November 2021 18:30 - 20:00 (CST) +0800 UTC

If you have any questions, please contact us here:

Facebook page:
2020 Booklet:
Download the other booklets:


Taiwan 69 teams