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捕蠅草蝸 Snail消極的積極-紙盒人Lucky CoinAnimal's Desire第五屆國際拍片運動_不愛坐博愛座_剉!TIME CRAWL - Ann & BarbzMr. dinosour-阿母的願望mom's wish沒有做者_nimitta送貨小弟2017國際大學拍片運動 團隊大鳥雙gay-I don‘t need the money掃把頭工作室_10秒紀錄片Sneak Preview | Lead_er世界取子箱Birthday gift募款 FundraisingBest friend (Cinema Sports Edit)2017年 第五屆 (5TH)國際拍片運動  C=(K+S)^A謎盒2017國際拍片運動_排隊領便當2017 國際大學拍片運動 Cinemasports Universities/等一下 just a second一只七星瓢虫 A Ladybird Beetle把銅板還來 Return the CoinHandee's Treasure蛛頭UKFF Animation Workshop禮物Gift - 2017國際大學拍片運動Cinemasports Universities搶劫風雲國際拍片運動 是誰(Who?)國際大學拍片運動Cinemasports-紅鯉魚與綠鯉魚與驢Turn Around我只是想吃冰Dreaming-Swimming第五屆國際大學拍片運動_錄人甲Shooterby_簡殉PRE NEGO ŠTO ODUGIFT大家一起來拍片-活寶大兵國際大學拍片Cinemasports_運動崑大路195 【981-P8】國際拍片運動 今晚好攝AGONY.2017國際拍片運動_詭盒子巧克力大冒險取子箱kotoribako幕款轮回Lucky bird_老爺不要,我只是來編故事的回家吧! Go Home!Life of bagger第五屆國際拍片運動_水水拍片劇組_come back to me106年 國際大學拍片運動 Cinema Sports - 淒淒舞妻酒 Expelliarmus - 上帝的禮物 Present From God白癡搶盒,貞子在後班長"癮phubber"Memory  Coin诡异的铜板2017拍片運動南台魯味攤-買夢-國際拍片運動瑪麗皮皮廷的冒險海邊不要玩手機啦best friend麻油雞炒茼蒿7pupu不求人超人-平安喜樂Xscape免費試用包 _ 母親的五號餐彩票记TeamNPC 買水驚魂記-第五屆國際拍片運動希蘿果登-瘸子奇遇記Colorful-箱遇 Meet 10秒紀錄片第五屆國際大學拍片運動-Wu Xu救貓日常浪浪回家《人心HUMANITY》by  平常心能量May the world be kind to beWrong Or Right第五届国际拍片运动 孤立无援2017年第五屆(5TH)國際拍片運動%%馬暴力VIOLENCEBad Day第五屆國際拍片運動_地下訪客nimitta_沒有做者Show Hand & Black Jack掃把頭 (BROOM HEAD TEAM FILMING)國際大學拍片運動 寶物。我朋友將近十個小時都找不到我OverloadDoes Money Bring Happiness?羽化的馬 Feather of the horse麻油雞炒茼蒿7pupu 側拍影片The Mascot of Our School夢 DREAM-C&S GROUP喝不到飲料的小羊陰謀論Conspiracy theory禮物【渴望 】Young&Free 青春無限双生the decision浪浪回家登入紙箱 Into the carton七味粉 SHICHIMI  - 貞子快遞:死命必達  SADAKO EXPRESS  DELIVERYGold Miner免費試用包 _ 母親的五號餐【聚魔盒 Murder】Meet Colorful平行Parallelism -2017 拍片運動交換幸運錢幣2017 國際大學拍片運動2017國際大學拍片運動_Box貧富不均

2017 Cinemasports International

21 October 2017 to 25 October 2017

Once again, we will announce 3 required ingredients before filmmakers have 10 hours to make a movie less than 3 minutes long. This Cinemasports event is open to all ages and nationalities. This is a change from our past Cinemasports Universities events, but the event is based on the same creative spirit. This event is open to everyone, young and and old! Sign up using the button above to receive more information and instructions.


  • Each team will spend a maximum of 10 hours total on their movie.
  • Finished movies must be less than 3 minutes long. Often, shorter movies are more successful and likely to screen internationally.
  • Each movie must include 3 required ingredients announced at the start of the shooting day.
  • Outside of these simple rules, Cinemasports is very flexible. The team size, equipment, and location are all up to each individual team to decide.
  • Please include this image in your credits (5 seconds) :

Most teams will participate on the same weekend: 21 or 22 October 2017. Other teams may participate earlier due to timezone and schedule differences.
A gala screening will take place on 25 October on the Kun Shan University campus in Tainan, Taiwan. All submissions will be considered but only a selection may screen due to time constraints.

If you have any questions, please contact us here:


Taiwan 89 teams