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FTRL-Policeman guarding peace飯店四角戀-進擊的多媒2023第十屆國際拍片運動/和平帽/cinemasports bts下一個地表最強小三-The most powerful mistress on earth眼見不定為平?小熊軟糖2023年12月8日任嘉欣IN A FLASHCinema Sport!拍片運動 c keypoint2023第十屆國際拍片運動 和平别吵 Be Quiet自由之葉   南藝動畫戰隊The 10th Cinemasports International 第十屆國際拍片運動 《Wave your hand and walk forward 揮揮手,向前走》【相處】-第十屆國際拍片運動The 10th Cinemasports InternationalMICE - GELDO (Castellón - España) - Hui-ching Tseng 曾惠青GURGLE (DIGITALFISH)和平不在踩虹-國際拍片運動-Cinemasports InternationalWho brought our peace?“Ascrption 歸屬” 2023 International Film Festival第10屆國際拍片運動帽子的秘密遇鬼可愛乘三MICE - GELDO (Castellón - España) - Hui-ching Tseng 曾惠青IN A FLASHPeaceMate  台灣傳奇史詩級對決Start of war第十屆國際拍片運動_吉良吉影的逆襲旋转蝴蝶结我們的友情堅不可摧Our friendship is unbreakable國際拍片運動試作品MICE - GELDO (Castellón - España) - Hui-ching Tseng 曾惠青GURGLE DIGITAL FISH和平不在我是網紅stop ukrina war砍一刀【相處】-第十屆拍片運動CinemasportsThe couch“Oh 喔” 2023 International Film Festival第10屆國際拍片運動第十屆國際拍片運動 The 10th Cinemasports International【如果世界末日 If the world end’s】马来西亚组 官振祥 黄奕恺 巫奕鹏2023第十屆國際拍片運動-[PEACE]育德工家 拍片運動 night daystop ukrina war小熊軟糖秘密地表最強小三-The most powerful mistress on earthThe SignBroken Heart嗜糖 戒斷Beyond the BenchGSC人 拍肩 和平標示 帽子 我的USB呢?夜光光閃亮亮復仇鬼 《 顫舞 》Irrelevant Shin JungRyul_Team: MSG《帽子殺人案 HAT KILLER》自然在身边第10屆 拍片運動 _ 2023/12/9"The Book" - SIMPs (The 10th Cinemasports International)藝同趣Bomb To Peace (Cinema Sports International 2023 entry)第10屆國際拍片運動拍片運動甚麼red hat拍片運動Cinemon震驚!!!這個人竟然對無辜路過的同學做這種事!!!跳操放下手機 Put down the phone"The Book" - SIMPs (The 10th Cinemasports International)正修亡美_戰地亡美Bomb To Peace (Cinema Sports International 2023 entry)攜手同行Walk hand in hand2023第十屆國際拍片運動|月沐|red hat和平怪人2023 Cinema Sports: The Hat of War樹德家商 廣設科 F4青春无需贷价_女神南柯-胡昊楠 第十屆國際拍片運動和平標誌 帽子 拍肩膀Pass on peaceGURGLE DIGITAL FISH2023第10屆國際拍片運動2023 10th International Film Festival2023/12/09拍片運動(東掉西掉)10000000 6860801217360452 3346147919152199262 n2023 Cinema Sports: The Hat of War【三角怪】第10屆國際拍片運動 Cinemasports International破壁_中英双字幕版放下手機 Put down the phonefantasy land挑戰自我 Challenge yourself  臺灣國際拍片運動 CinemaSports TaiwanDay Off (2023)第十屆國際拍片運動Congratulations遇鬼Peace Sign with You by Cho, Yujin2023年12月8日拥抱和平

The 10th Cinemasports International 2023

9 December 2023

Once again, we will announce 3 required ingredients before filmmakers have 10 hours to make a film less than 3 minutes long. This Cinemasports event is open to all ages and nationalities. This event is open to everyone, young and and old! Sign up using the button above to receive more information and instructions.


  • Each team will spend a maximum of 10 hours total on their film.
  • Finished films must be less than 3 minutes long. Often, shorter films are more successful and likely to screen internationally.
  • Each film must include 3 required ingredients announced at the start of the shooting day.
  • Outside of these simple rules, Cinemasports is very flexible. The team size, equipment, and location are all up to each individual team to decide.
  • Please include this image in your credits (5 seconds) :

Most teams will participate on the same weekend: 9 December 2023. Other teams may participate earlier due to timezone and schedule differences.

If you have any questions, please contact us here:

Facebook page:
On-line Booklet:
Download the other booklets:

Taiwan 75 teams