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時光一去不復返日常夢回Dream back/技三啟動重生之我是联考大师THE BOLLTime Will Fade拍片運動第11屆國際拍片運動I hate study雙重角色的日常壓力17:442024第11屆國際拍片運動-我真的很好嗎시넬몬I Hate Study日常Lačne Mačke ft. Rosiki - KOKOŠKAGood Memories 國際拍片運動 Cinemasports International童年MDCY/ Mommy’s Diary拍片運動影子(Shadow)L'amaro far nienteThe Last MINUTE技三-我們什麼都不知道秘密基地2024第11屆國際拍片運動-時光流逝 Time is running out片名:敲門聲Knock on door #拍片奧運會#新手攝影PRISM - Cinemasports 2024 ShortFilmNature's Dance國際拍片運動|異空間|WASD和鬧鐘分手2024第11屆國際拍片運動-流年與遠方(Time and the distant lands)國際拍片運動讓專業的來 2024年11/16illusion時光流逝Who am I ? | Stop Motion Animation攝影比賽左鎮國小 ZJES 喜歡不喜歡 like it or notDescompasso - Short FilmThe 11th cinemasports international 2024- S.K.J.W (4)113國際拍片運動-搶成功憤怒的無尾熊上課發落米狗方舟在途Cinemasports 2024 ShortFilm - PrismFashionably Late-S.K.J.W (4)2024第11屆國際拍片運動-我是農夫 這是甜菜Time Strokes方舟在途A cat’s prank 시네마스포츠(cinemasports)2024第11屆國際拍片運動 - 花樣年華A night before final exam國際拍片運動 Cinemasports InternationalWalkReal活在当下・拒绝焦虑加緊腳步步驚心
2024拍片運動,片名“跟我一起走進定格動畫的世界”時光一去不復返國際拍片運動日常TIMELESS HUMANITY SHORT FILM夢回Dream back/技三啟動2024년 11월 2일重生之我是联考大师倒影的勝負versusTHE BOLL2024第11屆國際拍片運動 - 花樣年華Time Will Fade即將成年/The becoming Adulthood拍片運動Timeless Humanity Short Film第11屆國際拍片運動환각(Hallucination)I hate studyCinemasports 2024雙重角色的日常MDCY/ Mommy’s Diary壓力Death Card17:442024第11屆國際拍片運動-Group None2024第11屆國際拍片運動-我真的很好嗎重啟 Restart시넬몬倒影的勝負versusI Hate Study第八節日常第11屆國際拍片運動Lačne Mačke ft. Rosiki - KOKOŠKA2024年11月10日Good Memories 國際拍片運動 Cinemasports International加緊腳步步驚心童年The Last MINUTEMDCY/ Mommy’s Diarynew拍片運動動物寫生影子(Shadow)遺失的筆記本L'amaro far niente最後一口氣 The last breathThe Last MINUTEThe Refection Me技三-我們什麼都不知道倒影的勝負versus秘密基地催眠2024第11屆國際拍片運動-時光流逝 Time is running outTime Strokes片名:敲門聲Knock on door #拍片奧運會#新手攝影Cinemasports International of 2024PRISM - Cinemasports 2024 ShortFilm2024년 11월 2일Nature's Dance113國際拍片運動-搶成功國際拍片運動|異空間|WASDTime Will Fade和鬧鐘分手**"From Confidence to Doubt"**2024第11屆國際拍片運動-流年與遠方(Time and the distant lands)夜光光黑暗暗校園謀殺案The night dark dark black dark dark -曾文跳跳朱國際拍片運動讓專業的來 2024年11/16blind dateillusionThe Shepherd時光流逝The 11th cinemasports international 2024- S.K.J.W (4)Who am I ? | Stop Motion AnimationHurry up! 2+2=6 Cinemasports攝影比賽2024第11屆國際拍片運動-時間回朔The time goes back左鎮國小 ZJES 喜歡不喜歡 like it or not夢回Dream back/技三啟動Descompasso - Short FilmillusionThe 11th cinemasports international 2024- S.K.J.W (4)模範聲113國際拍片運動-搶成功Sweety憤怒的無尾熊2024第11屆國際拍片運動-Group None上課發落米狗第11屆拍片運動方舟在途《扯鈴男孩》2024國際拍片運動2 0Cinemasports 2024 ShortFilm - Prism向霸凌说不 Say No to BullingFashionably Late-S.K.J.W (4)113國際拍片運動-搶成功2024第11屆國際拍片運動-我是農夫 這是甜菜2024年11月17日Time Strokes重逢(Reunion)方舟在途CKL international movie festivalA cat’s prank 시네마스포츠(cinemasports)拥有超能力的一天A Day of Superpowers_语欣传媒2024第11屆國際拍片運動 - 花樣年華上課發落米狗A night before final exam天堂製造國際拍片運動 Cinemasports InternationalTime StrokesWalkEssential  International CinemasportRealCistus活在当下・拒绝焦虑The 11th cinemasports international 2024- S.K.J.W (4)加緊腳步步驚心01

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The 11th Cinemasports International 2024

16 November 2024 to 23 November 2024

We will announce 3 required ingredients before filmmakers have 10 hours to make a movie less than 3 minutes long. This Cinemasports event is open to all ages and nationalities. This is a change from our past Cinemasports Universities events, but the event is based on the same creative spirit. This event is open to everyone, young and and old! Sign up using the button above to receive more information and instructions.

  • Each team will spend a maximum of 10 hours total on their film.
  • Finished films must be less than 3 minutes long. Often, shorter films are more successful and likely to screen internationally.
  • Each film must include 3 required ingredients announced at the start of the shooting day.
  • Outside of these simple rules, Cinemasports is very flexible. The team size, equipment, and location are all up to each individual team to decide.
  • Please include this image in your credits (5 seconds) :
  • For the best screening experience, please film in horizontal 16:9 format. (landscape)

Most teams will participate on the same weekend: 16 November 2024. Other teams may participate earlier due to timezone and schedule differences.
If you have any questions, please contact us here:

The gala screening will be held at the renowned Hai-an Road near Bark Bar in Tainan at 18:00 on 23 November 2024. Apart from showcasing exceptional award-winning works, the event will also feature videos from the attending teams. In the event of teams exceeding the screening duration, selection will be based on scores.

Facebook page:
On-line Booklet:
Download the other booklets:

Taiwan 92 teams